Start Planning With the End in Mind

Start planning your home improvement project by visualizing the results you want. Planning a completed home improvement project is entirely different from planning your day where you work. Your home improvement project is a one-time effort that you do not have a second chance to do correctly.

The scope of work uses bamboo flooring as an example. There are many other types of flooring for your GREEN remodeling in addition to bamboo flooring, which may be better for you and your family. Start to plan which type of flooring you would chose with just these considerations:

• If you are constructing your new home, radiant floors may be worth investigating.

• If you are doing GREEN remodeling in your home, cork flooring and bamboo flooring offer many different benefits.

• If you want to eliminate noise then natural carpets may be your answer.

• If you have pets whose claws would scratch the finished surface, then which product would be best?

Is this enough information for you to make a short list or just point you in a more specific direction to start? What results do you expect.

Start Planning With Decisions

Making a decision on your full time job would not take as much effort as you will need for your home project. One major difference is you do your job every day and therefore you are familiar with the facts to consider making your decision.

Even though both types of decision making are similar since you need to have all the facts in order to make responsible decisions, an area outside your expertise will present different problems. Home improvements are probably a rarity and you do not have all the necessary facts readily available for you to make a responsible decision.

When you research for an important meeting on your job, you have to satisfy yourself, your supervisor and your employer. An improvement in your home is the same as preparing for an important meeting except you have to satisfy only yourself and your family.

You can spend your money on having the project done correctly the first time or you can spend more to redo it to your satisfaction. The results will be in your planning, preparation and research.

How To Start Your Planning

The purpose of this site is to make you aware of the challenges every construction project will present, and to give you enough information so you will not be blindsided for an additional charge. This sample flooring project has one item as a variable compared to a kitchen project with multiple variables.

The next section, Results Expected, will go into much more detail for the flooring project.

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