Buyer Preparation - Not An Option

Buyer preparation for a residential real estate transaction is an absolute necessity. Owners are able to sell their house without assistance from anyone else. Buyers, however, must depend on and work with many other individuals for a successful transaction. Buyers must have a team they trust.

The National Association of Realtors (NAR) states 87% of buyers search online before contacting a Realtor. They may also go to an open house just to experience the market and pricing before they decide on the type of house and location. Then they search for a Realtor®.

Why Would Buyers Use A Realtor?

Experienced buyers will be able to have a successful residential transaction without the help of a Realtor. If you look over the information on this site and you decide not to use a Realtor® – best of luck and please let me know how it all ends. However, if you decide to use a professional to lead you through the hazards (at no charge to you) then you will have a valuable leader for your team.

The Realtor® should be a combination of your coach and pilot of your plane. As the coach, let you know what needs to be accomplished and give you options for a successful completion. As the pilot, take you through the turbulence so you will stay on course. When buyer preparation includes a Realtor®, the transaction will run smoothly without cost to the buyer for the service.

Reason I Use Certain Terms

The reason I use certain words is to make you uncomfortable enough to notice the word is not the one you expected. Buyer preparation includes a thorough understanding of:

  • Team in this context is the different professionals buyers will depend on to help them complete the purchase transaction. A different meaning is a real estate team that has the team leader who employs several Realtors and unlicensed coordinators in order to transact more business.
  • Why do I use the term Realtor® instead of real estate agent? Realtors® are members of the NAR and must abide to the code of ethics. Real Estate Agents do not need to be a member of NAR to practice real estate.
  • Why do I use the word house instead of home? A house is a structure with a price tag that offers security, physical warmth, amenities and a number on a street. A home is a feeling that offers safety, family warmth, comfort and a place to live. You can buy only a house from a seller.

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