House Search Not Just Features
And Areas To Look

I know a house search for a buyer really is not just the features … the number of bedrooms and baths, lot size, and if there is a basement and/or garage. Buyer motivation is much deeper than the physical property and is different for everyone. It is not a mystery buyer(s) purchase on emotion. That is correct, their largest financial purchase* will be on emotion.

So what should the buyer know before they start the search? They should know their underlying needs and desires (5-6-7) for their new house**. The buyer determines the price range from the mortgage pre-qualification and guidance from the Realtor. (I advise first time buyers to buy below their qualification number and not to be house poor.) The areas to search are easy for the Realtor to add with a click. The buyer is responsible to determine the areas and neighborhood.

Search Then View

The Realtor® sets up a house search using the local MLS to list any houses that fill the criteria. The buyer may receive these directly from the MLS without comments by the Realtor®. I prefer to review and let the buyer know the one(s) that stand out for a possible viewing.

My experience is that if only one of the buyers will view the home it is a waste of time to have the showing. All buyers should be available for the viewing to ask all their questions at one time and make a decision immediately. This way the Realtor® better understands the wants and needs of the buyer.

How Many Viewings Are Enough

Some buyers will assume a house search includes everything on the market to be SURE the home chosen is THE BEST ONE. The Realtor® gives them the list of all the homes available in their search area that fit their search criteria. The Buyer should drive by each and look at the curb appeal, condition of adjacent homes and neighborhoods then let the Realtor® know which ones to see. So, how many are enough?

This could become a serious discussion between the buyer and Realtor® about expectations. The Realtor® should explain there is no perfect house and the buyer(s) must recognize and fully evaluate any shortcomings then focus on their most important desires (5-6-7) for a new house. Should the buyer now display particular problem or any other significant difficulties then I may refer them to another agent with the explanation to all of a personality conflict.

More How To - Plus Notes

The number of viewings is not as important as flaws with the buyers. When the buyer(s) are able to maintain their focus, deal with the stress, work through the frustration, and balance their search with family responsibilities then all is well. These buyers will successfully find a house they would like to purchase.

You found a house – what is the next step?


*The word investment is purposefully not used.

**You need some facts first. Common knowledge is the wife makes the decision 90% of the time and the husband finds a way to make the purchase. More single women than single men are purchasing homes. Now you know what the Realtor will expect working with a married couple.

***A house is not a home until the owners make the property into the environment they feel they are most comfortable. A Realtor® cannot sell you a home.

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